Certificate Management

Configuration Definition: Subscriber
Configuration Application: Alias
Default Behavior: Off/Disabled
Version: 19.9

Certificates can be managed via the certificate API set. The API set allows for uploading existing certificates, private keys and intermediary certificates as well as creating Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) for obtaining new certificates.

Certificates are stored separately from the service images. Private key’s are encrypted using a two-way encryption function and are never exposed externally from the CDN. The private keys, along with the associated certificate, are distributed to the CTL CDN edge nodes via a secure communication channel. The edge nodes have the ability to decrypt the private key and load into memory for use with secure delivery services. The private key is never stored in an unencrypted format.

When providing a certificate to CTL, it must meet the following criteria:

  • A key length of 2048 characters
  • Use the SHA2 signature algorithm
  • Encoded using the Privacy Enhanced Mail (pem) format


Certificate Management is only available if you have purchased Premium SSL Delivery.

Wildcard Certificates

Customers are welcome to provide wildcard certificates to reduce the number of certificates they have to manage. When using wildcard certificates with the CTL CDN, there are a few important points that need to be considered. In particular, host name matching is performed using the matching rules specified by [RFC2459]. If more than one identity of a given type is present in the certificate (e.g., more than one dNSName name), a match in any one of the set is considered acceptable. Names may contain the wildcard character * which is considered to match any single domain name component or component fragment (e.g., *.a.com matches foo.a.com but not bar.foo.a.com).

SAN Certificates

The CTL CDN supports the use of SAN certificates however it is not yet possible to create a SAN CSR via the Certificate API set.


When requesting a CSR, the following data must be provided:

   "csr": {
       "country": "United States",
       "state": "California",
       "location": "Newbury Park",
       "organization": "CenturyLink",
       "organizational_unit": "The Best Division",
       "common_name": "www.werok.com",
       "key_algorithm": "RSA",
       "key_param": "2048"

Note that the CSR request does not require generation of a key pair. This is done in the background by the API. The created private key is immediately encrypted then stored in the data store under the certname used for the API request.

The supported key_algorithm and corresponding key_param values are: * RSA and 2048 * EC (Elliptic Curve) and “scep256r1” (aka - prime256v1)

When uploading the corresponding certificate it is important to upload using the same certname so the key pair matches.


Note that the CTL CDN currently supports associating only a single certificate to an Alias. So while it is possible to create an EC certificate, its use should be considered against the expected client base and its ability to process such a certificate. In a future release, support for both EC and RSA certificates for a single Alias will be added.

Upload New Cert

It is possible to upload an existing certificate as a new cert as well as uploading a cert obtained through a CSR created by the API. In both cases it is important to upload both the host certificate and any required intermediary certificates as shown in the following example:

   "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<cert data>-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
   "private_key_data": {
        "password":"password string",
        "private_key":"-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----<private key data>-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----"
   "intermediate_certs": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<cert data>-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

If the certificate was acquired using a CSR request, the customer will not know the private key and it should be excluded from the request body. The private key was generated as part of the CSR request and stored against the associated certID/certName.

Otherwise, the private key must be included for the certificate to be considered valid. If the private key is encrypted, the password used to decrypt must also be included so the system can decrypt and re-encrypt for secure storage and delivery.

Supported certificate formats: * pem - Privacy Enhanced Mail, a Base64 encoded DER certificate


The CTL CDN does not support dual certificates at this time. Only a single certificate type (RSA or EC) can be used for an Alias definition.