4. ReportingID

ReportingID’s are primarily used for grouping requests into reporting groups. Requests within a ReportingID are aggregated and displayed in Media Portal as well as used to group requests into log files.

Once a ReportingID is created, its attributes should not be changed/edited, but a ReportingID can be deleted/removed/reused from a Service Image. Changing the name of the ReportingID will essentially invalidate all cached content and force the CDN to refill the entire customer library which can have a negative impact on performance.

"reportingIds": [
    "id": 24152,
    "name": "www.bar.com"

The attributes of an ReportingId definition are as follows:

  • id: A numerical identifier, must match the corresponding OriginID value
  • name: A name which is used by the CenturyLink Media Portal for displaying Usage Data. Must be the first alias used to create the property and should not be changed.

A new ReportingID can only be created as part of creating a new Property, as described in the :ref: ‘Properties’ section.

Changed in version 19.1: Added the ability to create new ReportingIDs.

4.1. Standalone ReportingId

Starting in the 19.6 release, it is possible to define a standalone ReportingID. A standalone ReportingID is a ReportingID for which a corresponding OriginID does not exist. Such a ReportingID is used for grouping aliases into reporting groups for presentation in Media Portal (usage and real-time statistics). A standalone ReportingID can only be created by CTL CDN Support. Once a standalone ReportingID has been created, it can be reference in a Service Image within an Alias definition. A standalone ReportingID can be referenced by more than one Alias definition and can be used across different OriginIDs. The following Alias definition illustrates the use of a standalone ReportingID:

"aliasDefinitions": [
    "id": 1,
    "name": "example",
    "originId": 24152,
    "reportingId": 2468, ##reportingID is different from originID
    "protocol": [
    "aliases": [

Note that if a ReportingID has a corresponding OriginID, it can only be used in an Alias definition with its corresponding OriginID. If a ReportingID, for which there is a corresponding OriginID, is used in an Alias definition but with a different OriginID, the service image will be rejected.

New in version 19.6: Added the ability to use ReportingIDs different from OriginID in an Alias definition.