23. Change LogΒΆ

19.9 Release:

New features

  1. Certificate Management
  2. HTTPS SNI Self Service support
  3. Stale Content Control

19.7 Release:

New features

  1. Wildcard aliases
  2. API is now asynchronous

19.6 Release:

New features

  1. Added ability to use standalone ReportingIDs

Bug Fixes

  1. It is now possible to add comments when storing a Service Image
  2. Removed useDefault from MatchRule Schema as it was not used
  3. Duplicate Alias check has been extended to check across staging and production environments
  4. Clarified the service image workflow - a service image must be copied to staging before being copied to production
  5. Clarified that the minimum cache control setting is currently 30 seconds
  6. Clarified the uniqueness requirements for originID and reportingID across service images

19.5 Release:

New features

  1. Locked Config data
  2. Verification of Chargeable Features
  3. Extended Alias Support
  4. Schema Versioning

Bug Fixes

  1. Schema Clean up - various attributes were removed from the schema as they are no longer needed
  2. Clarified unit of measure for rate-limiting values from bps to bytes-per-second

19.4 Release:

  1. No changes, documentation version bumped to align with Caching code release

19.3 Release:

New Features

  1. Rate Limiting via Lua Script

Bug Fixes

  1. Clarified interaction between QSHandling and Token Auth
  2. Fixed inconsistency in GET/PUT JSON Syntax
  3. Clarified inconsistent text regarding support for multiple Log Streaming Endpoints
  4. Updated peer allow Lua script to use new get_client_category() function

19.2 Release:

New Features

  1. There are no new features with the 19.2 Release.

Bug Fixes

  1. Added Primary alias concept to Properties discussion in Introduction
  2. Clarified restrictions on Service Image name
  3. Updated save Service Image API response to include payload instead of being empty
  1. Removed various internal config attributes (timers, LO, Guardrails, etc.), they are now applied via the Traffic Type. See the new section on managing traffic types for more details.

19.1 Release:

New Features

  1. Multiple Log Streaming Endpoints
  2. Added the ability to create the equivalent of a property

Bug Fixes

  1. Updated Deny Feature to use default HTTP Status codes and align with other features

18.12 Release:

  1. No changes, documentation version bumped to align with Caching code release

18.11 Release:

  1. Updated Alias section to cover AltID Aliases
  2. Added new section under the General Features heading on how Cache Keys are determined
  3. Updated Origin section to indicate all aliases pointing to the same originID share a common cache key
  4. Updated Response Headers feature with additional details on JSON attributes
  5. Updated Secure Fill section with example JSON
  6. Updated JSON Service Image Example to include missing definitions (origin)
  7. Added new Lua script - DCTLua. Allows for Match Rule level DCT via a Lua Script.

18.10 Release:

  1. Created new section - Cache Control and moved QSHandling under it
  2. Added Documentation on new feature - Cache Control Header Over-ride (CCHO)
  3. Added missing JSON examples and supporting description for Log Streaming Feature
  4. Added supporting text and example for Traffic Type
  5. Added new section on Reporting ID
  6. Added new section on Origin ID

18.9 Release:

  1. Added Documentation on existing features - Background, BUA Region, Log Extras
  2. Added Documentation on Subscriber Alias Definition
  3. Added information on the CNAME API

18.8 Release:

  1. New Feature: Deny Policy
  2. Updated DCT Feature: removed from AE Override definition
  3. Updated AE Override to reflect that DCT is no longer configured as part of AE Override and is now a subscriber definition
  4. Added new section on Match Rules

18.7 Release:

  1. Update Match Rule section to provide additional details on Match Rules
  2. Updated Geo Blocking section with Match Rule syntax
  3. Updated IP Access Control section with Match Rule syntax
  4. Updated Token Auth section with Match Rule syntax
  5. Updated Kill Switch section with Match Rule syntax
  6. Updated Set Headers with Match Rule syntax
  7. updated Lua Scripting with Match Rule syntax
  8. Added new Folder /General with section for negative TTL Caching