6. OriginsΒΆ

The source content origin is defined within the originDefinitions array. Each Origin defintion is given an ID which must match a ReportingID.

The originDefinition is illustrated below::

"originDefinitions": [
    "id": 1,
    "description": "just test",
    "protocol": "HTTPS",
    "name": "Origin_1",
    "host": "www.example.com",
    "originDNS": "www.example-origin.com",
    "port": 443,
    "webroot": "/test"

The attributes of an originDefintion are as follows:

  • id: A numerical identifier that must match an existing ReportingID. Once created this value should not be changed.
  • description: A description for the origin
  • protocol: Which protocol to use when contacting the origin. The options are HTTP or HTTPS.
  • name: A name which is used by the CenturyLink UI for display and reference rather than displaying the ID
  • host: The FQDN that will be placed in the host: header for all requests sent to the origin
  • originDNS: Optional. Used to over-ride what is in the host: header for routing purposes. Can be an FQDN or IPv4/v6 address. If present, the system uses the value of this field to identify the origin instead of using the value in the host: field.
  • port: Optional. Which port the origin server is listening on. Defaults would be 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
  • webroot: Optional. The webroot on the Origin. Default is /. Whatever is entered here is prefixed to the client URL.


The CTL CDN uses the originID as a cache key for all requests destine for that origin. This means that requests for objects under different alases but pointing to the same OriginID are stored under the same cache key (originID+URL).


OriginIDs should not be reused. If an existing origin definition is no longer needed, its originID should not be reused when creating a new origin definition as the backend infrastructure remembers all originIDs and reuse can result in unexpected behavior and reporting.

Changed in version 19.1: Added the ability to create new OriginIDs.